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An introvert monologue
I often think about this scene. I keep thinking about Naina, and how it feels to be her. I can’t say I relate to her completely. I am not a topper or a doctor, and I did get weekends. I am not as...
A short tale of small wins
If you ask me how I am, I honestly don’t know what to say. I am broke.Not in a good state both physically and mentally for a long time, it feels like it is getting worse.I have not read a book,...
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Earthlings by Sayaka murata
Do you ever feel your life, your thoughts, your decisions, even your body is not your own? As a woman, I feel this every moment. But as a collective human, people of society; are we free? What does it...
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The Blackbird girls by anne blankman
This historical fiction is based on two different timelines in parallel. One is in 1986, the Soviet Union present Russia at Chernobyl. The second timeline is the second world war.But mostly, this is a...
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